Many iPad users have started to regret the day they upgraded to iOS 15. They hate the new split-screen feature and would do anything to get rid of it. Let’s see if you can turn this option off on your iPad.
How to Disable Split Screen on iPads Running iOS
You cannot disable split-screen mode completely on iPads running iOS 15 and newer. Unlike previous iOS versions, the option to disable Split View is no longer available. Split-screen activates automatically when the system detects you’re multitasking.
As you can see, you cannot turn off multitasking and split-screen directly from Settings on iOS and newer. To access additional multitasking options, use the three-dot button located at the top of the screen.
How to Exit Split-Screen on iPad
To exit split-screen on your iPad, simply tap and drag the bar dividing the screen to the left or the right. Release the bar when it’s most of the way across the screen. If you want to close the left side of the screen, drag the split-screen bar to the left. If you want to close the right side of the screen, simply drag the bar to the right.
Split Screen Confuses Users
While Apple proudly says the new options have simplified split-screen use, not everybody agrees. Many iPad users, especially old people are confused when they see two screens on their iPads. For example, when you’re writing in the Safari URL field, split-screen activates automatically. Instead of offering people a very simple interface, Apple gives them two screens.
The company added multitasking because many users have been begging for it since the iPad was launched. The problem is that not everybody needs such features. Apple should let users decide how they want to use their devices.
Judging by users’ reports, split-screen makes the iPad harder to use and causes frustration among users.
Split-screen constantly popping up on a tiny iPad Mini display can disrupt your workflow. Overall, these changes often cause a poor user experience. Some people may think twice before getting a new iPad following this experience.
To make things worse, many apps have a button right under the split-screen pop-up button. As a result, many users accidentally enable the split-screen mode when using their apps.
What Should Apple Do?
Apple should give users the option of moving the split-screen button or removing it completely. Give Apple feedback and tell them how much you hate the automatic split-screen feature. The more reports they receive, the higher the chances of triggering a change.
There is currently no option to completely disable the split-screen feature on iPads running iOS 15 and newer. Split View activates automatically when your iPad detects you’re multitasking. To exit Split View, slide the split-screen bar all the way to the left or right, depending on which app you want to close.
Do you think the upcoming iOS updates will support an option that lets iPad users disable Split View entirely? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to check out this article on photo editing apps for iPad from our friends at Shotkit.

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies — AI and DNA computing in particular.
Trash…I can’t believe (well I can) the absolute audacity of removing the ability to turn this nonsense off. Welcome to the trough and eat you slop like a good consumer and don’t complain. Until people stop wasting their money on this dumpster of a company will continue to crank out useless “features” to prove their “worth” when in reality the circle the drain and leverage their market share to force you the paying customer into what they think is best.
Apple should consider seniors needs not only on split screen issues but on everything or chrome and the likes will make in roads on apple
I am older and have poorer. Idiom the iPad let me have bigger text but split screen means I can’t see anything hate it I will have to look at different ones maybe chrome book.
I have a better idea instead of thrying to get rid of split screen just rid of iPad and get chrome book.
Yes I wish there was an option to disable split screen. For me it is not confusing but I don’t like it because in split screen of course everything smaller and it is harder for me to read or see. In one screen I see better.
The old split screen was good. I could have invoicing open and look at work orders at same time. New system is annoying as I have to keep going from one to the other. Who came up with this rubbish?Have you got some youngsters doing work experience? Get rid of it now
Agree entirely. Complete waste of time and very annoying.
I bought my iPad Air with ios15 so I could utilise a navigation app when sailing. Invariably, it goes into split screen mode at critical moments. It is infuriating and the fact that Apple did not think it appropriate to give the user the right to disable it is doubly annoying. Come on Apple, extract your digit and fix this disastrous error of judgement. Now!
I absolutely HATE the split screen. I use my 2 iPads all day long and when that screen splits I want to throw them at the wall. I am a senior, PLEASE REMOVE THAT HORRIBLE PROGRAM
Please add a way to delete the split screen option.
It is totally annoying and time consuming to keep closing it out.
This decision by a machine to split my screen is irritating and frustrating and the recommended solution to move the screen fails over 70% of the time Help me understand why Apple can’t change this via software adjustments
The split screen feature is distracting, annoying, intrusive and incredibly annoying. I don’t want it on my iPad.
We need to be able to disable split screen.Its ok for smartarse geeks, but elderly people hate it.
Apple your engineer of the split screen on iPad ought to be fired this is no more than a pain in my ass when I use iPad can’t you people make a right decision that older adults still use i pads but split screen is the worst design Apple has ever produce make some with out split screen and I will buy it tomorrow bad design Guys and Ladies
Split screen is very aggravating. I am a senior and not fluent in computer tech. When reading and turn the page and the screen splits for no reason makes me want to go back to actual books. Tried several suggestions to get rid of it but nothing works. Wish Apple would leave it up to me if I want a split screen or not. Karen
I absolutely hate Split View. It is so annoying that it makes me hate my latest iPad. It’s not a good idea to not let us disable it.
Split screen is annoying, wastes time and is a demonstration of youthful designing of programs that lack consideration for others. The normal print is not that spectacular and squeezing overlays on to the page is saying to maybe get rid of the iPad for something better and easier.
Apple should allow users to completely disable Split View if they want
The slide option will not turn off using iOS 16+. Happens over and over so good bye Apple. I don’t need you determining what I want to see in the middle of every page. Keep this pos
Has Apple developed a way for users to disable split screen on iPads? It is most annoying on my iPad mini and I would like to be able to disable it when not needed.
I hate split screen. The sooner I’m able to permanently disable it the better
I absolutely HATE the automatic split screen feature. It’s so hard to remove and so confusing. Please do something and fix this NASTY feature
Hate how split screen occurs without apparent reason Eliminating this constant irritant couldn’t be more difficult A very user unfriendly feature
Hate this “feature.” For me, it only seems to manifest when I inadvertently leave Facebook running in another tab–then without warning it pops up on the right-hand side of the iPad Mini screen, displaying some useless FB garbage. I don’t use Facebook very often; seems like I’ll have to shut it down completely.
The split screen is extremely infuriating and has de-graded my and many other users otherwise good opinions of Apple and its lack of regard for other users feelings. Thas is my LAST APPLE.
Please give my a way to totally disable the split screen. It is the most aggravating unwanted feature Apple could inflict on us.
It would be best to allow total disabling of split-screen options but Apple probably will not do it. Things like this are made for software designers and programmers. The mind-set of these people does not have space for customer-centric thinking.
I would be in favor of Apple giving the iPad user an option to turn off the split screen. I so not like, I did not ask for it, and if I had know it would be so disruptive I would not have purchase the new iPad mini.
I do not enjoy reading articles, etc on a long narrow screen and get tired of constantly closing the split screen. It is a distraction.
I hate the split screen. I would not have bought this iPad if I had known what a pain this would be. Almost every time I use my iPad I think “I hate this iPad “. It annoys me so much.
I hate the split screen I have a new iPad Air which I’m thinking of giving to one of my grandkids. I called No because I’ve had it for about two years and I can count the times I’ve used it. It was a waste of money. I very seldom use it because of the split screen. I was very proficient with my last iPad. It was like an appendage to my body. Now I can’t tell you the last time I’ve used it. I hate it. It’s no longer fun. I love my last one. I hope you give us the ability to disable that horrible split screen, which only makes my life a headache, and the iPad collecting dust. I’m starting to look at products other than Apple.
Please add the option of eliminating the split screen, it is just annoying and serves no purpose for most users.
This is the worst yet. My keyboard is also split. Terrible!!!
I hate this split screen. I’m a very senior senior, and want to be able to turn it off. Please fix it.
Split screen is constantly appearing when unwanted. Just spent over $700 at Apple Store just to get mom a new ipad (*because Apple made obsolete the gen 7 ipad/come on, we all know they intentionally force us to buy new) only to discover this ridiculous split screen feature cannot be disabled! !! Very angry! Also, why are there no home or back buttons?! Those two features were my ONLY saving grace when teaching my parents to use Apple products. The “tactile” feel of just 1-2 buttons helps any user escape from a finger-swiping nightmare they may find themselves in. Every time my parents called to tell me something was wrong with their iPad, I could previously instruct them: ok. Hit the home button/back button. Let’s start fresh. Please, please, please Apple fix these things! I may have to return this $700 piece of garbage due to the split screen though. My mom will be crying because they’re not easy to get rid of repeatedly!!!
I hate split screen, I didn’t ask for it and I don’t want or need it, why is there no option to disable it. I don’t particularly want to go back to Samsung but unless an option to disable is not included in a software upgrade soon I will be reverting back
I find split screen very annoying and wish it could be a choice again as it should be. It is so narrow that I find it very difficult to read besides just being damn annoying.
This article is spot on. Although I have quite a few apps on my iPad Air 5 I bought it principally to use for navigation purposes. It is utterly infuriating when it decides to go into split screen mode especially as it will not allow me to drag the split screen, which is vertical rather than horizontal, completely to the top or the bottom. The only way I can get rid of it, albeit temporarily, is to switch it off. Worse than useless in my opinion. Split screen should only be an option to be switched on.
I hate the split screen feature on my new iPad mini. It makes it hard to read and it makes my screen unsteady,when I try to scroll. Worst thing ever!
Split screen is unnecessary for me and there is no way to disable
Really bothersome!!
Include disable feature in next update !!
I have removed the split many times. The split keeps coming
Please install a button to disable the split screen it’s annoying and intrusive to this elder.
It would be wonderful to disable split screen it drives me mad surely Apple could gives a choice
Hate accidentally enabling split screen. It is annoying.
I need the option to remove the split screen when I want to. At times, a full screen is needed
I totally dislike split screen and the fact that Apple made it so you cannot shut it off I have absolutely no use for this function. Please make so we can shut it off ! Thank you
I enjoyed the original split screen but the new version is extremely irritating-I hate it.
I didn’t ask for nor do I want the split screen on my iPad. I have removed it several times and it lasts for a short time and then, without prompting, it returns. Please provide me with some way of removing it permanently .
my iPad is stuck on split screen and no amount of tapping on it allows me to remove the split.
Please update the iOS to provide disabling of split screen in settings. Mine comes up in a very small window and not useful for a 72 year old like me. I really appreciate your help and consideration.
I wish there was an option to disable the split screen. I find it annoying.
I hate split screen and resent the fact that you made it mandatory!
PLEASE PLEASE get rid of the split screen, it is driving me mad! Surely we should have the choice whether we want it or not – a simple button ON/OFF in settings would be wonderful.
Maggie List
A band featuring unwanted information often appears on the right of the screen on my iPad when I’m reading an article. It covers a third of the screen. I try to remove it by swiping to the right but it is hard to remove. I want to use full screen view but can’t find how to disable this automatic screen splitting.
I hate split screen. Will not upgrade to another iPad, will purchase an alternative notebook that doesn’t force split screen on to the user.
Split screen is so annoying, please give us the options to remove it !
Suggestion from an “older person”.
(1) Add SPLIT SCREEN ON/OFF option in Settings.
(2) Open work in FULL SCREEN
Split screen is annoying. Apple needs to have a setting so users can disable it.
Please eliminate the split screen option on my iPad. It is driving me nuts!! I never requested this feature and I can’t get rid of it.
thank You.
Split screen is annoying. Would like to disable it permanently.
Everyone in our household has an iPad mini. No one likes the split screen feature, and no one expects Apple to make it optional (and not all of us are “old”)
I am 70 y/o. I hate split screen.
Split screen is annoying. Would like to disable it permanently
Please give me option to remove split screen on my iPad. It is confusing and I do wanted it.
I dislike split screen feature immensely. Wish there was a way to disable it for those of us who don’t want it or need it.
This is very frustrating. I will not buy another ipad if this is on it.
Split screen is absolutely the most annoying thing about my Ipad. Why must we have it if we don’t want it? PLEASE LET US HAVE THE OPTION TO TURN IT OFF!
When I wrote a comment a few minutes ago, I had no idea my name would be attached to it. To me that seems to be a privacy violation and its practice should be stop.
I, for one, would greatly appreciate the ability to disable split screen. I have called Apple support for help but unfortunately was not available when they called me back. Everything I have read suggests I cannot disable it. I work in landscape mode most of the time, and when I get a split screen, the only way I get rid of it is to Restart the iPad. Frustrating. Let me be able to disable some thing I don’t like.
I think the new iOS 15 update is terrible. I do not like the split screen option it will not let you exit the split screens. I am 83 years old and my site is not as good as it used to be and when you go to split screen the printing is very small. Please please please correct this problem
Being left handed, I scroll using my left hand. I hate it when the system decides to open another screen. It should be an option to either allow or not allow. (New iPad
I cannot cope with splitscreen and it is much too easily activated. I would like to disable it but don’t think this is possible??
I hate the split screen! I’m 82 and have no patience with trying to turn it off. I use my Apple iPad every day for my banking plus! I had it off and with latest updates it is back on my screen. Obviously I am not the only person that doesn’t like is difficult with my vision. After eye surgery my right eye is close-up and left is distance
Yes, I’m old and find it very frustrating when the split screen pops up. Getting rid of it is very time consuming and most times it comes back shortly thereafter. Please, please find a way to disable this multitasking feature.
I hate split screen almost as much as I hate ads placed within the text that I’m in the process of reading.
NO FAIR!!! My first choice would be to remove split screen altogether.
I hate it. It’s a terribly interruptive experience. I am upset that I cannot disable it. It drives me crazy!
Apple should let user be able to completely disable split-screen function. In the middle of a concert performance while turning sheet music page accidentally piascore (sheet music app run on iPad) became half page in size. It was a terrible interruption.
Unable to disable split screen and consequently cannot see full page ofwindow
Even on windows I rarely split, control tab is more useful, and that’s on a 24 inch screen. And I get to choose when and how I split screen. On the iPad it’s just a bad workaround solution. I can’t think of a good way to do it on a touch screen that’s only 12 inches. But I am sure someone is very proud of this bad ui at apple so if they choose to keep it it absolutely has to be able to be disabled.
I really want them to create an option in settings to turn off multi screen. If you are a person like me who has poor eye sight I find it very difficult to see the wording in the small split screen. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT AND IT IS MAKING LIF FOR ME SO HARD.
Please, please change.
Thank you.
Split screen is HORRIBLE….I hate it! So confusing!
Hate split screen on ipad 5th generation. Makes print smaller and therefore harder to see. Larger screen than my iphone is only reson i use the ipad. If my ipad was not a present i would return it. The split screen ruins my enjoyment.
Not only do I hate the split screen but also the drop reader function that says nothing I ever want to read and delays getting to any real information. The reader function provides absolutely no information of value.
Please give me the option to turn off the split screen. I hate it!,,
I hate the split screen and think it should be possible to remove it.
How can I remove split screen permanently, it is the most annoying feature Apple have ever done. I can’t do anything without it appearing, I do not want it
I hate the split screen feature and wish I could disable it completely!!
PLEASE make split screen an option that can be turned off and on when the user needs it. Thanks!
Obviously I am not the only person that finds the sudden appearance of the split screen to be a ridiculous intrusion on my iPad. At one time I could suppress it, but no longer. Please give us a setting to never use multitasking, that cannot be too difficult.
Split screen is annoying…I never choose it but it comes up.You then have to use the 3 little buttons at the top to go back to what you were doing and you NEVER get back to your original screen..nothing but annoying.It should not be standard but a an option to choose
I hate the split screen apple needs to let us decide if we want it. Its called freedom of choice. Apple please find a way that we can turn it off let us make the choice.
New updates add confusing, unwanted changes.
Older female with small ipad.
wish I could refund it and exit ipadsfoever
The split screen is so annoying, I would likE the option to turn it off completely!
Apple should give you an option. This is the most ridiculous update Apple has done. You should have a
I do not like split screen, i didn’t ask for it and don’t want it.
Please give a choice if you want a split screen. It is frustrating when having it appear each time you need to turn a music page in For Score. I use my Ipad to hold all music for our choir. When singing, I need to turn the page by swiping left or right. Up pops a split screen and not my next page of music. Very frustrating.
Also there should be a way to turn off ‘Hide Email’. I need my email, not a fictitious one.
As a 73 year old I hate the split screen. It makes it impossible to see my portfolio horizontally so it’s hard to tell how much I paid for the stock. This is frustrating for the demographic that used typewriters. If you could just allow us to choose and TURN OFF the split screen on the iPad I have, not a newer model I would feel like Apple cares about people of ALL ages and not just the young ones who are going to have neck problems at 74 for looking down at devices for their lifetime.
I own, iPod, iphone, Big Mac, MacBook Pro, and two Mac Air computers plus an Apple Watch.
I absolutely detest split screen .I am 74 and my eyesight is not the best so when I see 2 small screens I can’t read either of them. I I don’t understand why apple will not allow me to turn off this absolutely horrible service . I don’t want it and I hate the fact that Apple has control of my iPad and when I need to upgrade my tablet it certainly not be an iPad.
I dislike split screen on iPad and would appreciate the option to disable that function.
I hate it and annoyed that I cannot disable it. I really would like the option to do this.
My father has stopped using his iPad altogether since he gets so confused with the multi view screen. This seems like a retrograde step. Why would you deny the option for anyone to use the device as they seem fit? Please let the end user decide how to use their devices
I for one hate the split screen,why didn’t you get my permission first .total B s
Please allow me the ability to remove the split screen from my iPad Pro. This feature really sucks and will make me to consider another brand iPad if this crap continues. At the least give me the option to choose if if want this option or not. Please don’t cram this kind of stuff down my throat without me being able to make a choice.
I hate split screen and would like to disable it so it never shows up again. Extremely irritating!
i love AND hate it. When i need to have 2 apps open simultaneously, i love it.
but i hate it when it’s tapped accidentally, usually when attempting to tap into the Safari address bar, or tapping the top screen area to scroll jump an app’s screen to its very top.
Hate the split screen….can’t get rid of it. When I activate a link I want a full screen!
I cannot get rid of it no matter what I try, it is at the top and the slider will not go all the way off . Nothing works and can’t use iPad like that !,
I am one of those users that hate split screen. Every time I swipe on the right the split screen appears. Sure, its easy to swipe again to get rid of it. But its annoying all the same to have it constantly appear. With ten years if using ipad I have never wanted split screen. Who are apple catering for? At least the option to disable this facility should be built into ios.
I HATE the split screen. Since I’m not good at technology, I don’t need other
ways of making operating my iPad more confusion. Please get rid of it.
Most of us seniors don’t need to multitask!!
Im all for Apple introducing new facilities BUT NOT at the expense of not being able to remove it or switch it off if its not wanted OR ITS a change to the original function.
I’m not going to update anymore because every update seems to bring or change functions in a way I dont want.
Better still offer SECURITY patches only.
Hate split screen. VERY FRUSTRATING
Give users the ability to get rid of the split screen for iPads
I DETEST THE SPLIT SCREEN. It’s driving me crazy. I ,m 79 and coped very well without it.
Apple shouldn’t be allowed to dictate to the consumers who spend a great deal of money on their products. Some Golden Oldies (like me!) prefer an IPad rather than a laptop. Not everyone needs ,
or wants , to be working at the speed of light, and many of use it as a socialising device.
We need to be able to CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES ☹️
I HATE split screen popping up all the time! Hate it with passion. Please, Apple Geniuses, give users the choice to disable split screen. Swiping to the side still lets it be visible. On my iPad mini, this is annoying as hell.
I hate the way when you click on an email , as in shop now, it opens on a quarter screen. Very very annoying.
Pleassssee get rid of the ( new) Split screen on my I Pad ….it’s not only terribly distracting & extremely annoying but if this is the way APPLE is going I will NEVER buy another APPLE product again
Thank U , Brian Condron
Let users DISABLE split screen. Every time I try to swipe, some stupid tab comes up.
Also, get rid of memories. There are some memories best forgotten. Why does Apple assume what memories I want to remember. Another bad feature that some 22 year old thought up.
I hate the split screen feature. It pops up when I don’t want it. I should be able to disable this feature permanently.
Yes, i hate the split screen for all the reasons you described.
The split screen facility drives me mad – why can’t I turn it off!!
It stops me completing tasks. I do not want to work with a split screen – please turn it off.
I am close to getting a different device because of split screens .I have poor vision and split screen makes the ipad11pro unusable I need to prevent it from ever running split screen I generally like apple devices but I cannot live with this feature that prevents me from seeing anything on my device
I am so disappointed that I decided to upgrade my iPad to the IOS 16. The split screen feature drives me absolutely mad and the fact that I can’t turn it off makes it that much worse. I would advise anyone I know to hold on to their older versions as long as possible.
I am 78+ years young. I no longer enjoy my iPad. It opens 3 screens when I have an email from my doctors. One for the emails, one to open the email and one (the smallest one) for the medical portal. I cannot even see all items on the portal. I HATE IT! Thinking of getting a Samsung.
I absolutely hate that I can not turn off the split screen function on the New iPad Air 5. Hate, Hate, Hate this.
Please allow us the disable this bull crap.
the second most annoying feature ever. And Im really annoyed IOS developers decided that I shouldnt be able to turn it of. Why?
Love my ipad, but the ever-missing delete tap on the keyboard, and the splitscreen are pushing me towards Android.
Give me an option to stop split screen. It’s extremely annoying!
This doggone split screen is really disrupting the use of my IPad. I REALLY wish I had an option to disable this automatic split screen.
Apparently everyone hates the annoying and disruptive split screen. Please make it stop!
All of a sudden I am getting a pop up split screen when I try to go to a link on my ipad which is many years old. This never happened before and I hate it. I did nothing new. I don’t want to have to get rid of the annoying thing each time i try to visit a link from an email. Terrible and annoying
This split screen is horrendous. It makes me want to get rid of my iPad and look to another brand. Apple needs to do something so that we can disable it if we don’t want or need it. Based on this, I won’t be buying another Apple device unless I have the option to disable this function.
I hate that split screen. Will say goodby to Apple and iPad if you don’t fix it.
Split screen is terrible; I hate it.
Get rid of split screen! Do not like it! Makes it different to read important information! Thank you!
Automatic split screen can be very annoying when it all the time pops up when you do not want it, I would much prefer a on-off slider.
I hate the split screen I am a 77 year old female and used to enjoy reading the papers on my iPad each morning. I have had this access for several years and now I am unable to do this previously simple task because it constantly comes up with split screens and I find them impossible to remove. If this is not fixed I will have to go back to purchasing a hard copy of papers each day how stupid is that. Why were we not told of this prior I am sure there are lots of elderly people in my situation. This has caused huge stress
The split screen has spoiled so many things I want to look at on my mini iPad.Please invent a way that this annoying feature. can be disabled.
Please, please allow me to disable the split screen on my iPad. It drives me nuts. You quietly turn a page of a book and up pops a split screen.
I don’t know who is telling apple they want split screen, Everyone i have talked to says they hate it.Apple is just giving is a bunch of bull shit, If they can’t turn it off,They should stop making iPads,And phones, I know i have bought my last i pad . I have 3 i phones,And 2 iPads, But they can take them and stick them!!! Thank you apple,for making the i pad unusable.
I HATE split screen. I started researching android tablets for my next upgrade. This is so stupid.
I dislike the split screen. I like jigsaw puzzles and every time I slide a piece from the holding area it pulls the split screen from the side and I have to try to fix it . The idea was great, but the execution is the pits. HELP
I do not like split screen. Please explain how to remove it permanently
Please,please please give users an option to disable the split screen. I hate it and it pops up randomly when I’m using my email. I’ve started using Microsoft email when this happens. Simply swiping is a momentary fix. It comes right back.
I hate the split screen feature. Please give the owner the option to use the split screen feature. Thank you and looking forward to the update. To use or not to use. Owners choice.
I HATE THE split screen! Every time I check email, try to look at news online, I get a split screen! When I take it off, comes right back when I look again!
Eliminate split screens…very, very annoying. When opening emails, I want to see the entire screen, not half screens. Wish I still had old iPad. Horrible!
Please please let me have the option to turn off split screen, it’s the worst nightmare for me and millions of others why should l not be able to disable when l have paid for an ipad that l want to be able to choose what l want to do with it.
Like most of America- LOSE IT!. Who invented this spuz? Most likely one of my relatives. They are a Hell of lot of fun. Like a flat tire in Winter! I would sell them, but they would return just like a bomerang. Please don’t call them- they never leave until the beer is gone!
– Spoon Head
Would like the split screen mode to be deleted please it’s not useful to me. Thank you.
By all means, give us the option to disable split screens!!!! Is is far to confusing even when multitasking!
I hate the split screen and wish there was an option to disable it. I’m sorry I ever took the update that included it.
Hate split screen wish I could get rid of if completely. Find if I push it away then can’t do surveys etc.
Please allow people a choice to disable it.
PLEASE let us get rid of split screen. It drives me crazy!!! Thank you.
Most annoying
Hopefully give us option to disable sooner the better
I really don’t like split screen and would like the option to disable it.
I hate the split-screen button and no option of removing it completely. Remove the darn thing!
Split screen is very, very annoying. If I want split screen I should be able to turn it on, if not leave it alone. It is my choice. Awful, awful feature.
Please make it possible to delete the split screen on iPad. Hate it. It makes me want to throw the damn thing at the wall.
They better let us get rid of split screen soon or they are going to lose a lot of customers. Samsung has some pretty good devices running on android & I’m leaning towards switching to theirs just to get away from this nonsense. By all means keep it optional for those who see a benefit from it, but for God’s sake don’t force it on everyone and hope that we will come to love it. That’s never going to happen.
I hate the new split screen on my IPad. It updated automatically and it has taken me forever to find out how to get rid of it. It makes the IPad very confusing to use and in my opinion it makes the IPad very user Unfriendly. If this continues or if I am unable to dismiss it, I will simply quit using it and return to my desktop.
Can’t stand the split screen! Didn’t ask for it, don’t want it. The 3 dots sit very close to buttons I use regularly in my aviation app. Creates distractions at inopportune moments (aka safety risks!) within an in-flight environment. Let me turn it off please!
I hate split screen. I’m old and somyimes I accidentally activate split screen and I would like to have a way to completely remove it I do need it for my use should be a way to keep it if you want it or stop it if you don’t . Let the customer have which option they want. Apple should not have control it . It is a customer option not a apple decision.
I really don’t like or care for the spit-screen on my iPad. It’s very confusing at times. We should have the option to disable this mandated junk Apple put in the recent upgrades. I’m 90 years old and single minded. I don’t do multi tasking.
The split-screen feature keeps coming up when I don’t want it and it doesn’t work to try to drag it away. Please, please give me the option to disable it!
I think as a user I should be given the choice to disable split screens on my iPad especially when I am shopping on line. Split screen can be a nuisance.
The split screen feature is as frustrating as pop-up ads. I don’t understand why Apple would not allow its customers to disable this feature. The discovery that this feature is forced upon its users appears to be an attempt to narrow their market. But why? Even when you slide the feature off the page, its trigger sits there on the side of the screen in wait, hoping a clumsy finger will allow it to reappear. I really dislike the split screen feature and its intrusiveness. I’m not asking Apple to get rid of that feature, just let me do so on my own device.
My split screen bar will not slide. We have very poor internet due to our location on a mountain. Please tell me how to permently disable this annoying feature.
Sorry to complain. I am retired and depend on my devices for pure entertainment. Your help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Please, please, please give us an option to get rid of tha split screen.
I am always accidentally getting a split screen and I don’t even know what I’m doing to make that happen. I never intentionally want a split screen. I HATE it. Sometimes I have to turn my iPad off and back on to make it go away. It doesn’t always work to slide it to the left or right.
The side screen drives me mad, i have low vision even if i tapon it unable to read what it says , i try to enlarge it but the size of typeface to rea, i am then unable to read any of it.
For once in someones life think of those who have low vision.
I need the option to stop split screen. It. Comes up when I really do not want to see it. It is annoying. Please give me the option to stop it. Cheers, Eric
Hate split screen. Always there when I’m busy doing other things. Horrible. How can I remove it completely. I’m 77 years and find it intrusive
It definitely should be up to the user whether or not to use a split screen!!! It drives me crazy and I want the option to delete it occurring! I’m to the point of going to an android tablet because it happens so often.
I bet apple would change its options if it knew how many times I have simply deleted commercial sites and closed my ipad due to the split screen opening. No telling how much money retailers are losing because people refuse to mess with the split screen nonsense when trying to view products or shop. I will not.
Love my I pad for many year, HATE THE SPLIT SCREEN!
Pls give us. Way to eliminate forever
Apple should enable it’s users to delete split screen views from their iPad and iPhone’s at will.
Getting very angry with this crazy split screen and my wife has quit using it as she becomes frustrated. APPLE do something about this feature. We will not be buying any more apple products or recommend anyone else to do so!!!!!!!
I detest split screen. When reading a book on my iPad if I attempt to turn a page too close to the margin I activate the split screen and presto, I am on the internet on half my screen. I want to turn it off permanently and should have the choice.
Give us an option to get rid of the split screen. I hate it just popping up all the time. VERY FRUSTRATING!
Suddenly I have Split Screen! Sooooo frustrating and time consuming. It’s spoiling my IPad experience. It’s no use sliding it off as it keeps on coming back! As so many others have asked, can’t we have a choice of using instead of it being foistered upon us please. I’ m also considering what other tablet I can use if Apple doesn’t listen to its customers.
Please eliminate this feature,!
1 . Too small and difficult to read .
2. I have spent many hours trying to get rid of split screen while try to read newspape
3 . This is not a customer friendly feature .
4. It certainly is not a feature for retired individuals.
5.Keeps me from using other other convenient apps and features .
6. Make it an option but not automatic.
I hate split screen it is so hard to read or just view the document
Please send me an up great to stop it completely
I would hate to give up my I pad just because you decided
Everybody needs this function
I hate it
Please take it off as soon as posible
I hate the split screen. Please give us an option to turn this off.
Please restore the option of disabling the split screen. The split screen is aggravating to say the least. I’ve been an Apple user since the IIE desktop at home and the early portable Mac in a University research program. I currently own 3 Apple devices.
I’m not asking for it to be removed—just to be given a choice. I’m not crazy about the swipe up screen either. I’ve had dry skin my whole life and fingerprints so poorly defined that I can’t use this option to open my iPad. I can use Face ID on my iPhone.
Please consider those of us who have ‘invisible’ conditions (dry skin or poorly defined fingerprints) before making new ‘advances’ a barrier.
I hate, hate, hate the split screen. It actually slows down my progress.
Running iPad Version 16.1, it is quit frustrating to not be able to disable the split screen (multitasking) as it was on pre-15.0 versions.
There needs to be a way to have the option of disabling split screen or multitasking, even if it requires a few more clicks.
This is so annoying. My mum has some troubles with her arthritic fingers and taps on the three dots accidentaly very often.
PLEASE REMOVE THE THREE DOTs or at least make it optional! Old people are a growing group, so you should make their lives easier, not harder!
I loathe the split screen function. Please delete it!
Split screen is maddening for me. Too small can’t read!
Need update to alo wis to disable
We need a new update to get rid of it or a place to choose if we want this option, an obvious one.
I can’t seem to be able to stop my iPad screen from splitting and I hate it. It does it every time I select a link.
This split screen change to IOS15 and above is as bad as all the unwanted programs pre-installed on both Apple and Microsoft products. I want to decide when and if I need the operation. The time I now waste having to get rid of it having inadvertently brushed the side of my screen inwards is a constant distraction from my work.
Please stop telling your customers what they want.
I hate split screen !
Give users the choice !
I would not have bought this iPad if I knew this was going to happen !
Give users the choice of switching it on or off !
This feature is universally loathed by 99.999% of users.
Some doofus in Cupertino who likes to do fifty things at once thought up a great way to make us hate our iPads. Congrats, he/she/it is now responsible for one user who will NEVER buy another one until they disable this. It is obnoxious and frustrating. When I choose sides I know for certain something I was doing is going to be wiped out. Apple really bombed with this one, and they are not listening to ANY of their customers. This is my last apple product.
Oh and the other nightmare I am now having? I seem to constantly take screen snapshots, I don’t even know how. In mid typing, bam, there’s a screen shot.
Tell apples to allow disabling split screens, please.
please just give us ipad customer$ the option to disable this confusing split-screen thingy!
Unavoidable split screen keeps me from working efficiently and is VERY irritating. Rather than buy a new iPad, I will buy a different tablet.
BTW, I have been an iPad user since the original model. Goodbye Apple; your split screen DICTAT ruined your customer relationship.
Please, please, please give me the option too turn off the split screen. I hate when Apple makes decisions for me. I’m older but I’m not confused… Im just p__ssed off. Kindle fire is looking pretty good right now
I hate the split screen! It is too small for me to navigate very well. Please get rid of it or make it optional!
I never use split screen on my iPad and would like to disable this feature completely
Please, NO SCREEN SPLITTING. I can’t see the print and I hate it on split.
I hate the 3 dots appearing when I want a screen shot.
Hate the split screen! Giving me the option!
The latest upgrade that allows split screen is driving me crazy . I cannot read my novel and turn the page without the Split screen showing. Reading is not multitasking . Another and more important situation is trying to contact my doctor without the split screen popping up. It has caused me serious problems. Please allow each person to choose the Split Screen option. Thinking of getting rid of this iPad.
I hate the split screen popping up.
Please make it stop!
Split Screen is a pain in the arse on I pad. Iam on a Dating site and as soon as I action it it goes to a small screen which does not display all the info I need! Make it optional! I don’t like split Screens!
My iPad Mini is one of my favorite possessions. But the split screen might make that a “WAS one of my favorite…”. Apple, DO YOU HEAR ME? Let me banish it!
Allow me to disable split view/side view permanently! It is an annoying feature!!
I have an air 4th generation Ipad and being a senior find it very confusing with the split screen.
Trying to disable split screen which I am having trouble doing.
Instructions are telling me to go to settings, General, home screen and dock, multi tasking.. I do not have multi tasking on this Ipad. How do I toggle it off if I haven’t got it there in the first place. Extremely frustrating to operate.
I hâte split screen i understand some may like it but the option to turn it of should be available
In my third ipad they but if split screen is not made turn off ableit will be my last and will have to go to chrome tablet
I read ebooks on my iPad. Every time I swipe to turn a page, a split screen opens up. I realize there are times when a split screen is advantageous, but I want to be able to turn it off!
Really really hate split screen, l don’t expect to pay money which is hard earned for something that is completely annoying and useless to me,
Yes l have already said it but you are not listening
Please allow us to turn off multitasking. It is very annoying
Have just tried to read an address sent on message in Jackie Lawson card and can’t due to split screen function which I can’t turn off. This is a useless feature for most users and shoul be deleted or at least be optional
Have just tried to read an address sent on message in Jackie Lawson card and can’t due to split screen function which I can’t turn off. This is a useless feature for most users and shoul be deleted or at least be optional
Auto split screen has stopped me using the iPad for certain applications. Please give me the option of disabling this feature. When trying to open Jackie Lawson e-card you can’t enjoy the feature at all.
The arrogance of Apple is typified in requiring us to use what they think is best for us – the split screen. They should at least give us the option to go back to our comfort zone.
How can I tell Apple how much I hate the multi-tasking features on iOS 15?
I do a lot of reading on the kindle app, but almost 30% of my swipe lefts (to turn the page) result in pulling a STUPID SAFARI window over instead. ANNOYING! Plus there is no way to turn it off!
Thank you for your article which clearly explained my search is fruitless, until Apple gets a brain and allows us to turn multi-tasking off. I’ve been a loyal Apple user, but they are trying my patience!
Thanks for letting me vent.
We are older and can NOT read these stupid slideovers. HATE, HATE that we have no option to turn them off. Definitely considering another brand of tablet!!! At this point in life, we do NOT need this frustration!
Apple, Please give new iPad users an option to get rid of the annoying split screen. It is so frustrating to try and remove it. It is not an improvement for iPad users if there are no options to disable or quickly remove something so annoying. Apple doesn’t need to provide what many longtime. faithful users don’t want.
Get split screen off ASAP
I hate split screen. Please allow user to decide if the need it or not. Don’t assume everyone
want to have it.
Thank you
I am 73, I loved my ipad mini till I updated to the newest version. The split screen is annoying, and confusing I want to turn it off but apparently the control has been removed. Please put it back. I wish I had bought the Samsung at a fraction of the price.
I will never purchase another apple if they can control there shit features.
Yes definitely should have a option, hate that u can’t turn it off completely.
I hate the split screen! Take it away!!!
P L E A S E !!!! Help get us a split-screen disable option, PLEASE !
Get rid of split screen. Always an annoying surprise!
The split screen fearure is the most annoying feature Apple has ever come up with. It completely ignores the basic reason for an ipad…quick and easy access to the internet. If I want a split screen, i’ll go to my windows based desktop. I am done with apple, and going back to my windows tablet.
I’m not a big fan of split view, and I really hate overlay floating window appearing on Safari here and there that is so hard to close. And most of all, I hate inability to turn entire functionality off.
I am very disappointed with a screen that gets in the way of writing text. Having to reduce and bring up the key board in order to see what I’ve written is very inefficient.
Split screen on a small ipad is TERIBLE
Please find a way to get rid of the split screen on my iPad and phone. It’s really annoying and it interferes with my ability to use them so please just get it fixed thank you Am
The split screen feature is very annoying to people who don’t need it. I need a way to turn it off my iPad Pro. Please!
Hate the split screen. Wish you would make update where we can turn it off. Thank you.
Eliminate split screen
It seems Apple has people who make a decision on changing features for their devices without concern on how that affects the user. The most recent updates for iPad and iPhone make changes that reduce ease of operation and just add tweaks that programmers think are neat.
The split screen gives a small screen on top of the parent screen and makes it difficult to read articles. I have not seen any information on the workings of this feature.
There are several changes on ios16 that took time to figure out how to accomplish previous workings. I thought security cganges and fixing bugs were being done on the update. It seems some cider had different ideas.
It seems Apple has people who make a decision on changing features for their devices without concern on how that affects the user. The most recent updates for iPad and iPhone make changes that reduce ease of operation and just add tweaks that programmers think are neat.
The split screen gives a small screen on top of the parent screen and makes it difficult to read articles. I have not seen any information on the workings of this feature.
There are several changes on ios16 that took time to figure out how to accomplish previous workings. I thought security cganges and fixing bugs were being done on the update. It seems some cider had different ideas.
Wish I could go back
I wish to totally disable split screen? It is cumbersome and not helpful at all for what I do! How can I permanently delete this feature? In plain language, “it sucks ass”!
When the split screen appears it really frustrates me and I hate it! I’m a 77 year old and my eyesight isn’t wonderful so when the split screen appears I have to use my phone as it’s bigger and this is the only real reason I’ve got an iPad at all. After months of frustration my daughter has found an easier way to take it away but I would have never have found it. Please would you make it easier for us oldies.
C. Edwards.
Split screen & multi screen functionality buttons, and such a prominent placement in center screen “ sucks a#)! The fact that users are unable to disable such an obnoxious feature also “sucks a#&!!!
I really hate the split screen Make it go away! It makes it difficult to see anything clearly. Distracting!
I HATE, HATE, HATE the compulsory split screen and multitasking features on iPad. This should be a user choice and not an imposed intrusion. By thinking that it is smart and helpful, it has become a tiresome tyrant instead. This will be a make-or-break issue when I decide on which tablet to purchase next time.
The split screen option without the facility to permanently disable it is a nightmare and infuriating.
I use Flightradar24 and without exception, the screen will always split by accident.
Whoever at Apple made the decision to remove should be removed him/herself.
Not to do so is a display of arrogance and contempt for those that pay Apples salaries
Get rid of split screen or a way to turn itoff
I wish you could delete all the new “wonderful “ ideas and only keep what is of benefit to you. Some of these new ideas such as split screen should be optional. I hate it
While I’m at it, another asinine decision on the iPad design was to put the home button/swipe and power connector at the bottom of the ipad for normal use.
I use mine a lot in bed, it frequently needs charging, and it’s doesn’t work to have the lightning connector sticking into your stomach for an hour. It’s hard on the connector as well. Even using it at work I have the same problem.
If I need to use the home button or upswipe, it’s difficult to get to it if it’s on the bottom. A “Downswipe” would work a lot better.
I use my screen inverted so I can have the home button /swipe at the top, and also plug in the lighting connector and remain comfortable.
Usually this works, but there are a significant number of programs who probably don’t follow coding conventions and the display is inverted under these circumstances.
The system would be a lot more logical and easy to use if the home button/swipe worked while the lightning connector was on the top of the ipad.
An old geezer complaining, but I think it would work a lot better.
Apple doesn’t always know best. There are a lot of people with brains who don’t work for Apple!
The split screen option, as it is, sucks.
I rarely use it, and for every time I use it, it gets accidentally activated 20 times and then I have to deal with closing it. I have big hands, and probably activate it more easily than average.
If they aren’t going to give you the ability to turn it on/off, then they should reprogram it so that it can be activated from only one spot on the screen, making it almost impossible to activate accidentally.
I’ve been in IT for almost 60 years, and I absolutely hate it when the company thinks they know better than I do what will work for me.
Maybe it time to give a non-Apple Pad a try!
Please make an option to disable completely the split screen. I find it too small to read and a frustration when working. Next tablet won’t be an iPad if this is not removed
Split screen makes me cry. I feel really oppressed by it. It’s out of my control. I can’t easily continue with what I need to do. I can’t possibly read the screen it’s far too small. Who the he’ll does it help? It’s completely nonsensical.
This split screen is driving me up the wall!
It is too small to read and when you go to enlarge it it is necessary to scroll back and forward on each line.
Not Happy, John
I hate split screen, please give use the option to turn it OFF!
Dump the split screen feature!!
I would not have bought a iPad if I had known it had a split screen that I couldn’t turn off.
I have a difficult time with the split screen returning each time I think I have done away with it. Please return to multitasking as it was prior to OS 15.
There is an option. Buy a different brand of tablet
More user friendly and cheaper
Hate hate hate the split-screen constantly engaging. Please allow me to turn it off
I am one of those who hate multitasking and split screen with a passion. I don’t need it, don’t want it and despise the way in which it keeps obtruding itself, particularly when I’m browsing in Safari.
You write “Give Apple feedback and tell them how much you hate the automatic split-screen feature. The more reports they receive, the higher the chances of triggering a change.” I wouod gladly do so, but what is the best way to do this?
It’s not so much that it is confusing but the three dots at the top are always on the way and by trying to select something nearby those dots most of the time i accidentally get the split screen menu.
I cannot see where this is an improvement. I definitely hate it and wish Apple can think twice before making this type of decision. Optional is always a safe decision.
HATE the split screen, especially as the button is at the top. Always pressing it by accident when using Safari. Need the option to disable this function in updates! Poorly thought out option for many of us.
Who’s the maroon that put automatic split screen on my iPad update. When will a turn off button for this feature, be available ? This is the must unwanted feature I’ve ever had.
I really dislike the small window that keeps appearing, disrupting my full screen. The print is just too small for my old eyes, which is why I bought the big iPad Pro in the first place. In my case, it’s not needed, so please could there be provision to turn it off permanently? Maybe something that can toggle on &off?
Thank you
I’m getting rid of my iPad and going to a Samsung tablet. I’m 75 and just use my tablt for fun things. Usually I’m just reading the news or playing games. I never multitask. I don’t even know how I got to split screen. The fact that you can’t turn it off is ridiculous.
I think spit screen is garbage. It’s annoying especially in mail. The so-called improvements apple keeps done is turning me off their products.
Please for pity sake restore the option to disable split screen in safari on ipad function like that I SHOULD AVE THE OPTION TO SWITCH IT OFF OR ON NOT THE ipad
I hate the split screen on my Ipad pro 11. Every document that I call up in a letter or doctor’s report, it is presented in a very narrow STRIP OF SCREEN TWO INCHES WIDE. To make it fit alongside the email in which the doctor’s email, the font is decreased in size so that it cannot be read. I’ve tried sweeping away the email. Doesn’t work. Tried sweeping my little strip of tiny tint text to the left. Bounces right back. Please disable this in your next upgrade.
Marianne Lenti
Miserable and angry IPad user…
I hate split screen, Apple please dump it. I am forever hitting the three dots at the top by mistake then having to spend ages getting rid of the second screen. Not once have I actually made good use of it.
Dear Sirs
I would just like to request,that you give the customer the option to remove the split screen if so wished.I personally find it very infuriating and would appreciate the choice to remove it.
I look forward to a swift change to this issue.
Kind Regards
Maria Andrews
Please have a disable option for split screen. It is not needed on my ipad. It’s very irritating to have to work around the split screen choices every time I go to search bar on safari.
iPad Pro should provide option to “Turn-Off” completely Split-Screen feature.
As user if iPad Pro I should be in control of how I use my iPad … not Apple!!!
If you have a split screen – look for three grey dots in the top middle of both open apps. Press that on one of the screens and it shows 3 options for your screen. Press the full screen option. Problem solved for me. Hope it works for you, too.
I hate split screen in my Mail. I use an iPad instead of my phone for easier viewing and this defeats the purpose. How could you possibly not add an option to disable this? A MUST – this is a dealbreaker for those with aging eyes.
Ihate the split screen option only because it happens accidentally often. I want to be able to disable permanently as I wint ever use it. Please fix this in your next update.
Since the 15.6.1 update my ipad 8th generation has changed dramatically, battery drain, keypad change etc.etc. and yes the 3 dot split screen feature is particularly annoying. Why can’t Apple list the changes it’s updates are going to make to the performance of users ipads and iphones instead of just saying it’s for security and bug fixing.
I want the choice to have the split screen or not…..Forcing split screen on us Apple users continues to remind me constantly of Bidens failed policies that we all have to live with whether we like them or not….I will vote him out of office, and will drop my use of Apple products also if they don’t start giving us choices ! My productivity has continued to plummet….Sorry Apple, but you’re making Android look a lot more appealing!
Split screen drives me nuts. I’ve spent hours trying to get rid of it. Then I read this post and found out that I’m stuck with it .Thanks apple for a pain in my ass
The split screen programming by Apple for my new iPad mini 6 is super annoying. I’m thinking of getting rid of it after just 2 months not buying this new one.
Will Apple give us a choice in next update? Unlikely is my guess.
I HATE the slide over app. It’s an awkward feature that for me is infuriating. It has made me stop using my iPad whenever i need to click a link. I just go to my windows computer. I want Apple to creat a setting to permanently disable the feature.
It’s awful. Drives me nuts and wastes so much time. Apple definitely needs to give users the option. And I spent at least an hour trying to figure out how to disable it when you can’t!!
I dislike the split screen feature on my iPad.
Could you remove at the next upgrade?
I hate the right split screen opening often when I’m near the right border with finger. How do I stop this from happening.
I hate not having the option of avoiding the split screen. The split screen makes things so small when I try to read them. You are right that old people may be affected by this change because I am 74 and a long time Apple juicer. Come on, Apple, wake up!
I HATE the split screen!!! I wish Apple would give an option to turn it off! It makes me Leary of upgrading any new Apple features.
I do not like the split screen! I like to read on my iPad because it’s larger, With the split screen it is smaller. Why would anyone want this??
Split screen a nightmare, should be able to turn off big mistake APPLE
I hate split screen on my mini ipad
I am in my 70’s with arthritis in my fingers. I hate the split screen which appears when I am using my ipad. It is difficult for me to swipe across to remove it. I am considering getting a different make of tablet that allows you to remove this function.
Jane Phillips
Hate split screen. Must give us way to permanently get rid of it
Apple has to give users the option to disable split screen at USER’ s choice !
No respect for seniors let alone vision impaired and many other challenged users.
Give us the choice.
I suspect the majority of apple users consider this feature annoying and useless. The problem must arise from computer nerds and constant users that like to switch back and forth. We’ll the majority of us middle class users, who by the way buy new upgrade versions, thinks it’s a pain in the a*s. The screen is too sensitive to chance “touches” that disrupt our on line experience.
Please enable ipad users to disable split screen. I am 80 years old and cannot easily read what I want to know when it goes to split screen. I was planning to purchase a new ipad but will purchase a laptop if this cannot be corrected. That way I can easily read the information I need. No it will not be an Apple laptop.
Please enable ipad users to disable split screen. I am 80 years old and cannot easily read what I want to know when it goes to split screen. I was planning to purchase a new ipad but will purchase a laptop if this cannot be corrected. That way I can easily read the information I need. No it will not be an Apple laptop.
Split screen is ridiculous and no way to disable it is even more ridiculous. Am dropping apple and going android
Split screen sucks get rid of it
I hate the iPad split screen feature.
Please let me disabled it
Can you please develop an update to turn off the split screen in 15. It was made by the devil and never had used it and it is a pain in the ass because it constantly, Thank you. Rev. Rick Robbins
I loudly request Apple that in future ios updates they give an option to turn off split screen!!
Dear Appletoolbox,
I agree that in the present situation, users should have the ability to disable split screen
Don King
I cannot believe that the Apple people thought the split screen was a good idea. WRONG!?
My wife wasted 10 minutes of my day yesterday with her unwanted split screen function.
I could disable it before, but no longer. Fortunately I did not have enough space on my older iPad to get 15!
Fix it now Apple!!!!!!!!
I also hate the split screen especially when I am opening a document from email. Please make it optional so we can turn off.
I think I should be able to turn all this crap off. It’s annoying – just like that automatic music on memories. I believe Apple has a whole department that does nothing but think of un needed changes no one wants. Like focus- something that worked simply is now complicated and unnecessary.
Fire the idiot who approved the split screen. It is a hate crime against those wth vision impairment and advanced age so jail should also be cobsidered. Apple has never been good but ios 15 is terminally stupid
As a Director of a large cruise line I worked closely with our IT Dept. After initially wasting a lot of time and effort we established a User Group represented by each Department, who in turn discussed any program changes with the Users who were effected, and program changes ran much more smoothly. I detest the Split Screen and it would be interesting to find out what percentage of users are using it. As the author said above, I feel quite sure that older users find it unnecessary, distracting and just annoying !
Please consider a change that would allow each user to disable it in their device.
Thank you.
I will really consider looking for another device instead of iPad as I hate the split screen and can’t get rid of it.. probably a good time to get an android phone and watch as well. I’m regretting getting all Apple products The split screen is very annoying.
Tina Eterman
I hate the split screen. Considering ditching Apple because of the tyranny. Don’t want the split screen, I should have a choice.
Split screen multitasking is totally disruptive to one’s train of thought! Many people do not need this “feature” nor do they want it. We should be given the choice, as was previously the case, to disable it. When we spend a large sum for an iPad, we should have some leeway to optimize settings to meet our preferences.
I HATE split screen and can’t get it off my iPad!! The line in the middle does not move. It just opens another APP in SPLIT SCREEN!!!
I absolutely hate the automatic two screen feature with ios15. Can you please give us a choice of whether we want this feature on or not. It is very annoying with mail especially. Thank you for your consideration of this annoying feature.
I don’t like split screen and it is so hard to get out off, and there are other elements that I could do without and the iPad is so sensitive and runs out of battery faster
hate the new split screen feature which appears automatically. there should be a way to delete it permanently
Get rid of split screen completely it is an absolute nightmare. I’m visually impaired amd need full screen on my iPad always.
The split screen doesn’t suit everyone. There should be an option, maybe in settings, to choose between turning it on or off.
You have got to get rid of this split screen stuff, I pay money for my daily newspaper and can no longer read it in a three inch column, that’s ridiculous, I am trying very hard to figure out how to read my paper and your upgrade is horrible. Please go back to prior version
I’m helping an 85-year-old us an iPad Mini. Split screen is a tremendous frustration; even for a younger person, it’s of no use on a Mini. Tell Apple to PROVIDE A WAY TO DISABLE IT.
Hate tge split screen
So small can’t read it
Hate split view I absolutely don’t want it how do I disable it heeeeelllp
Please give us iPad users the option of deleting the split screen. It is not helpful only annoying.
I absolutely HATE the new split screen function, especially in my email! That should be by choice only, as many of us appear to agree. And, for the record, age is not a factor — I simply don’t need or want this function.
If this is Apple’s idea of improving usage and it happens automatically with updates, it really angers me. I want to go back to the previous iOS — can I do that?
Do not like the auto split screen feature which has occurred after install of latest iOS update. Please advise if there is a way to disable?
I DESPISE split screen. Pops up when trying to open a new tab. Forcing it on us makes the iPad far less enjoyable and shows how little regard apple has for its customers.
I find the split screen so annoying that I use my iPad less and less. I’m contemplating breaking the whole screen.
I hate the new IOS split screen feature. Please let me disable it.
I absolutely HATE split screen. Apple folks: How do I disable it forever. (Wishful thinking it seems)
I guess the only way to get rid of it is to sell my iPad
Have the option to turn off the split scree. It is so annoying and sliding it to one side or the other does not always work. Keeps popping back in. While some users find the split screen useful, not everyone agrees. Having the option in iOS 15 of turning on or off, would make everyone happy. Apple: listen to your users!
Get rid of auto split screen. Make it an option!
Split screen is very irritating and spoils what is otherwise a great device
The split screen function is probably the most irritating feature I have experienced in over 30 years of computing. Why Apple would not allow it to be disabled shows how out of touch they are with what their customers want!!
I am constantly activating the split screen option. Webpages are already teaming with buttons, pop-ups and now Apple adds some more annoying buttons. If people want a split screen, let them, but give the vast majority the option to turn it off. Why thrash that option in IOS 15??
please let me disable split screen feature. it is frustrating to constantly
interfere what i am reading to make the move to do it manually over and
over through the time i’m on line.
thank you
I am visually impaired and am finding the split screen feature frustrating as I lose my place on the screen. Please Apple give us the option to turn it off.
Obviously most of the times new features are welcomed …
but that SPLIT SCREEN IS A NIGHTMARE specially when you want to go over any kind of description, whether on amazon , ebay , walmart…etc…
Please let us decide if we want the split screen or not … ASAP
I HATE the split screen. It slows me down and is mucho irritating. Please, please give us an option to disable this time gobbling monster!!!!
This is my device and I should have control of this pricey resource.
Just spent an hour on the phone to my elderly mum trying to help her get rid of the split screen. I’m still on ios14 so I had no idea what she was talking about and why she couldn’t switch it off. What on earth were apple thinking?
I purchased an apple ipad in June 2022. I dislike the split screen it is very confusinf and interrupts my work flow.
Sadly Apple is arrogant and imposes concepts in accordance with the whims of individuals with ‘power.’
I find obligatory split screen to be an intrusion. Apple should not impose this
I hate the split screen and would love the option to turn it off.
Judging from the numerous replies for Apple to get rid of the split screen option, I’m in complete agreement. The screen on my iPad is not very big for one and it is also annoying when I am online to have to share the screen with something I am not interested in. Please come up with a simple way to delete the split screen option besides simply dragging the border between the split screens either to the right or the left.
I hate the new split-screening feature which has infested my device since its last up-date.
I don’t see well and this latest AND unannounced feature is making using my i-Pad a
miserable experience. Please, Apple, give we faithful followers the option to turn it OFF.
Thank you.
Split screen drives me insane, I hate it and don’t see why I shouldn’t have the option to disable it.
This iPad cost me a lot of money ,the split screen is very annoying I do not want it or need it. People should have a choice if they want it or not….I DO NOT WANT iT. Tell me how to get rid of it.
I am 74 and at my age am not interested in having a split screen facility on my iPad.I can understand why it is available due to its benefit for people who do want to multitask.
That should not affect millions of people who do not want this facility!
It should be an option and not compulsory
Please advise if I can pay anyone to remove this item permanently before I go and buy a different piece of equipment
I heartily dislike split screen … add a choice to opt out soon. It is irritating and frequently interrupts flow of thought.
Please allow disable split screen. Very frustrating to use.
Microsoft failed big time when it provided no fix for disabling split screen feature on its newer iPads. You don’t have to be multi-tasking for the screen to automatically split on my iPad Air 4th generation. Moreover, when I try to remove split screen by touching the bar and siding to right or left it is unresponsive more times than it is responsible. PLEASE help those who don’t want this pesky feature!!
Make split screen optional. Takes away space on ipad and is annoying distraction.
I would definitely like to be able to cancel split screen entirely. It is a nuisance, why can’t there be an option to use?
Unless I am given the option to remove the annoying split screen and the stupid line of pop-up windows that appear in mail, I will never purchase another Apple product again!!
I am frustrated beyond belief!!!!
Split screen use is of no use to me. In your next update, please include a way to disable this feature on my iPad.
Dear Apple, Please give me the option to turn off split screen on my iPad. I am sick of trying to watch a quilting video on a 2” wide screen. This option is imperative to be made available now. Thank you.
I don’t like the split screen. Please eliminate it.
Thank you.
I hate split screen and would like to be able to disable it. I realise it could be a great option for most but not for me…..
I hate the split screen function. Please remove it.
I completely dislike split screen on iPad
and would like to DISABLE IT COMPLETELY!!!
Please remove automatic split screen. Literally hate it. Get rid of it before I buy a tablet.
I hate split screens please give us the option to choose.
Thank you,
Patricia Escamilla
I am so frustrated with this new iPad and wish I’d never bought it. The worst thing is this split screen on the email. I need full screen and it seems this is not available for mail. Also my ord search puzzles, don’t work on this new one, and to play solitaire, the face cards are dreadful. Terrible, very expensive purchase.
Hate split screen, it drives me nuts
I DONT EVER want a split screen on my ipad
Always some little niggles when upgrading, the split screen is a big regret, maybe it is time to look at the competition.
I would greatly prefer not to have the split screen as I have no use for it at all. I just find it extremely annoying.
I don’t like these silly little screens at the bottom of my iPad which result in unwanted split screens and make it more time consuming to use. It needs to be optional or better still removed altogether for me!
I will purchase a windows tablet before I get another iPad in the future because of this “feature” alone. Why would you want to split screen a 10 inch display?
I NEVER use the multitasking view! On my 6th generation IPad the 3 dots are so close to the URL box that whenever I try to copy a link the damned multitasking view pops up. It it extremely disruptive to my work and communicating links for information sources that are required for my workplace discussions.
Additionally, any screenshot image includes the damnable 3 dots, often compromising the image in such a way that it corrupts the image content and cannot be corrected via editing. This is 100% unacceptable.
PLEASE NOTE: I’d get a windows tablet before I get another iPad in the future because of this “feature” alone. Why would you want to split screen a 10 inch display?
I find split screen an intrusive annoyance and cannot fathom why there’s no option to shut it completely off.
Thank you for clarifying that it is currently impossible to disable this feature.
I regret upgrading to iOS 15.
The inability to disable this feature is a safety risk for people who use the iPad for a dedicated purpose, such as aeroplane and helicopter pilots. When I’m navigating around a busy airport using a dedicated aviation app, the last thing I want is for half the map (including the oncoming traffic) to be obscured.
Yes please allow disabling of split screen. It’s messing with games I like to play. It’s horrible!
True split screen feature is the most disruptive element of using the I pad for serious work. I did not realise that this had been included as part of an upgrade, had I known of the issues this would give me, I would not have allowed an upgrade.
Very disappointed with the outcome.
Please dump the split screen or make it much easier. An awful idea.
What a royal pita this multi tasking. Why is there no way to turn it off?
Wish I had not upgraded I just hate the split screen is it possible to return to previous system
Split screen is annoying. Apple, please provide a facility to delete it.
The split screen that is constantly popping up needs to be dragged away for good. It is confusing to have this split screen appear then I have to drag it away. Why cant we disable this function? This annoying function should be at the users discretiin. Pls take this into account on future updates, this is my third Ipad
and I just hate having my thought process interrupted to drag the split screen away.
I personally hate split screen. It makes it hard to read for one thing. Not having the option to disable this feature is maddening. I had being forced to accept something that I didn’t want to change.
Give users the option to activate this function. I DON’T need split screen at this point.
Tell apple to disable this awful split screen! It slows down productivity because it pops up keep getting in the way. What a pain.
Absolutely hate the split screen option. Make it optional with the ability to turn it off completely. When reading, if you accidentally tap the side of the screen, another window pops up. This is very disconcerting as well as irritating.
I hate the split screen facility, it spoils my experience of using my IPad and I will not buy another one until the option of removing the function is returned
The split screen is a disaster for me and my older IPad, not democratic to not allow user to disable it.
I hate the split screen !!!! My old apple I pad died. I just received a new 9th generation..I hate hAte it as I am a senior citizen and I think you should have the option if you want it or not…I will never get another I Pad from apple as I do not think they have any regard for senior citizens….
This has to the most horrible feature ever imagined. Unless it’s given the ability to disable my next purchase for a tablet and phone will NOT be Apple products and just when I was considering a Apple Watch! Just NO.
And that’s my fix!
Please red this I pad of spit screens I dislike this feature and would like it removed completely!!! PLEASE!!!
I have no use for the annoying splt screen intruding in my mini iPad. Please allow the user to decide!
I agree. The automatic split screen function with iOS 15 is very annoying. Users should have an option to disable this.
Please disable the split-screen feature. All I want to do is turn my page when I am reading my i-book, not activate a split screen in the middle of my book.
I’m an “old person” who hates the split screen, but no, I’m not “confused” by it. (Ageism, anyone?)
If people liked to read things in very narrow columns, books would be laid out that way!
Take a survey…see if anyone likes the fact that one can’t turn OFF that feature in settings.
And, you know what? Many people miss having a HOME button on their iPhones! (Or are those many just “confused old people”? )
I agree. “features” are had to get rid of… especially when they think that it’s an old persons problem.
I want to have options. I don’t want to be in jail again with apple making the choices for me
I am 78 years old and my vision is bad, I HATE this double screen tablet. Please remove it or give me the option to do it myself, Thank You sonla
My iPad mini screen is too small to accommodate split screen. Allow us to disable it. Please!
PLEASE make it possible to turn off split screen on ipadpro using
ios > 15.0. PLEASE. The older I get the more I need more screen
I would whole heartedly support the option of disabling split screen. Its just a nuisance. I tap a tab that is adjacent and suddenly the split screen comes up. It slows my productivity not enhances it.
I hate split screen. Updated to 15.5 and now unable to delete permanently.
No choice. PLEASE give us an option.
If only split screen would occur when I am multitasking I might be OK with it. However it jumps up in the middle of anything: reading on my Kindle, reading my mail, playing a game, etc. I hate it.
I hate split screen. The “drag the interloping s Rene away” often doesn’t work. It has an evil life of its own.
Give users this option to use or not to use it.
Split screen is frustrating,unnecessary, and unwanted.
You should at least warn users before luring us into downloading software updates.
I rue the day I fell for it. You tricked us!
My wife and I are retired and hate the IOS15 split screen feature. Have absolutely no need for it.
Apple should allow user to return their split screen Ipad and exchange for no split screen model ?i hate this feature. When writing an email, it arbitrarily jumps to split screen, erases my email and i have to start all over again. Furthermore, the tap and haul over to side does not work. Nothing happens when I do that. Can’t explain how frustrated and disappointed I am in this product. Wish I could get my money back.
The split should be optional. In any case it should not pop up automatically.
Hate the split screen. Maddening
I hate the split screen! I should have the right to disable in a couple simple steps. I did not request split screen so I should not need to worry with deleting it
Get rid of the split screen. You have to have X-ray vision to see anything. It only aggravates people. I’d like to see what I am reading. Very poor choice to force people to use it.
This is one of the most annoying features on the iPad. I can count the number of times on one hand that I’ve wanted to use the split screen option. Unfortunately, the number of times it’s been enabled accidentally is to numerous to accurately count. Additionally, with elderly parents, I’m constantly having to undo the feature for them as well after it has accidentally appeared. I’m beginning to wonder how well Apple knows their user base, or do they only look at those people who beta test their products – the mega users.
Thank You for showing me how to go from split screen to one screen, I so truly appreciate your help,
Your guidance & instructions were perfect, uncomplicated & fast & that is rarely given given these days!!
Manny Manny Thanks for today’s work accomplished and ready days to follow.
My very best wishes,
After loading iOS 15 absolutely hate the split screen and can’t disable it . I am 77 and don’t need all this stress .
Split screen very annoying. Should have option to remove it.
Often cannot get out of split screen..
You say “To exit split-screen on your iPad, simply tap and drag the bar dividing the screen to the left or the right.”
I really dislike the split screen. I do think if you could turn it off and on in
Settings it would be helpful.
It seems to activate automatically. Which is very annoying ..
Get rid of the split screen on ipad
I would rather it opens up a new full sized screen when I want
to work on it. Usually it is a shopping basket and it is only 1/4 screen and is too small and I am concerned I may accidentally press the wrong thing ie ‘fat fingers’ as it is so small. That will really annoy me. M x
I only want to see one window on a screen no matter how big the device is I am using, neither my phone, iPad nor laptop nor desktop
I do not want split screen at any time
Please advise way to delete it
New 256 iPad 2. Split screen is raising my blood pressure. If I am reading a paper and tap on a sub article I want to read that article appears partly covered on the same screen. If I try to spread it open it hides behind the original. This is my 3rd iPad and if it didn’t cost me almost $800 and would throw it in the trash (after destroying it with a hammer). More importantly I have wasted hours of my life trying to work around this Desperate, I trolled the internet to find a workaround only to discover that there is none and that numerous other purchasers have the same complaint.
This iPad was just purchased and I intend to return it. I still have my very first iPad which, though heavier, still works “ normally”. And my second iPad (air) may just need a new battery.
Disappointing and disgraceful. And inconvenient.
I hate split screen appearing on my iPad and when I try and swipe right or left on the dividing bar nothing happens.
I hate the split screen on my iPad #9.
I absolutely hate the auto split screen feature in version 15.5! Is there any way I can totally eliminate this feature? Thanks
I would welcome the option on IPads to disable the Split Screen. As a senior citizen I find it quite inconvenient to have to constantly go back and forth to. Not that it is a big chore, just un-necessary as I don’t really muti-task like the young kids.
Thank you for listening.
Hate the arrival of split screen,annoying beyond belief ,can’t get rid
89 year old mum is being driven to distraction by split screen – she hates it,
She also keeps ringing me up to tell me she can’t get rid of it.
Apple please do your thing and give us a disable button.
I absolutely hate the automatic split screen. I want to have the option to disable it! Please!
I am aggravated constantly because of the way I hold my iPad. You can’t disable split screen. Classic user dumb feature. I wish I never bought it.
I loathe the split screen and am very annoyed that it cannot be permanently disabled.
I hate the split screen!
I absolutely HATE the split screen on my IPad. Please give me the option to not use it!!!
Why would Apple add crap like this without the ability to disable it?
I cannot get the black divider line to move. It does not respond to my tapping on it and trying to drag it across. I use my search mode a lot. Have no idea how the screen got split. Yes, Apple should supply a button to easily correct this issue.
I will keep trying but this is ridiculous. I am one of those old people , only 88 years young. Love my ipad. Please help me fix it.
Please stop adding features that the user did not ask for, but if you add features, you should always provide a way to to disable it. Note that supposedly, split screen is auto launched when the system decides that the user is multitasking. I don’t do that, so why am I constantly trying to get rid of the extra screen? I don’t think that process has been fully developed yet…..
I simply hate split screen, get it off or I will buyanother tablet that don’t have it.
I find split screen detracts from using the Ipad. Can you please disable it, thank you
I keep accidentally enabling splitscreen several times a day and it is so annoying. Please give me the option to disable the feature.
Lol the split bar doesn’t slide. I don’t mind the multitask option in some instances I really like it but I’d like to have an option. So why isn’t it sliding
Split screen is useful for some people, but others don’t need it, so give us the option to disable it like before and please everyone. You did it before, you can do it again.
The split screen is totally user unfriendly.
Give users a choice apple as my next choice will be an android.
I HATE the split screen on the iPad upgrade!!!
Please provide instructions to disable it
Split screen is confusing and I suspect most users don’t want it. Apple need to
Give the option of disabling it. I have owned several iPads but would not buy another one.
I have an iPad mini. I’m retired and “old” but the split screen doesn’t confuse me, I just find it annoying. Plus it’s easy to accidentally use it. Apple should def give us a choice. At least now I know there isn’t a fix and I can stop scouring the net for solutions.
I am uunhappy with this split screen stuff, I am elderly and think it should be optional!
I would like to be able to disable split screen. I have NO need for it.
I hate, hate the split screen. I am very frustrated and annoyed with it. Please, please provide a way to shut it down. I am 80, love my Apple products, but not this iPad which is the tech I use the most.
Don’t like split screen on iPad, want it removed
I cannot tell you how much I HATE the split screen and nice it comes up, I cannot get rid of it. My hands are arthritic and weak and it is hard for me to slide the screen I don’t want off and neither can I disable this feature in settings.
I rely on my iPad a lot but when this one dies, I will not be replacing it with another and I will certainly be recommending iPad to my friends.
I hate the split screen!!!
I hate the split screen. I hate even more that it cannot be disabled completely. It should have been an option when it came as a upgrade
I do not like the split screen. The print is too small to read! Why not let me decide if I want a spit screen and not someone else who doesn’t know what know me?
Please let me make the choice weather I want the side screen on ore off
Split screen is constantly getting in the way and is ruining my experience of being on-line. I have been a devoted apple person for 40years, but unless they make multi-tasking cancellable Ihave no more use for Apple products. Iuse my ipad pro for drawing/painting and use the internet for reference, but everything is,pointlessly arduous with split screen. I also need to be able ro disable it when using Sketchbook, as it interferes with selection of the drawing tools.
I do not like the split screen at all. Please tell me how to get rid of it. Thank you.
Please get rid of the split screen or give me the option to disable it.
Could you please please please deactivate split screen on my iPad .I’m 88 and I find it so confusing and distracting,further when we are talking about small ptint ,there are instances where even with a magnifying glass you cannot comprehend the subject.
Peter Mitchell
The automatic split screen feature on my IPad Pro is such a nuisance. iPad users should have the option to turn it off if not required.
When the time comes to update ny device I will definitely be rethinking my decision to stay with apple.
Split screen I am not confused by it but I HATE it!! Give me the option to disable……..please”
Apple, for the love of God, please give us an option to disable split screen or at the very least, move those three pestilent, obtrusive, migraine inducing, party crashing dots somewhere else! PLEASE!
I hate the split screen- help us get rid of it or offer the option, don’t force it on people!
Like Microsoft, Apple’s thoughtful “improvements” consistently make the user experience worse.
All ‘new, great’ features should have an easy, obvious way to eliminate them.
I am 79 years old and I hate this split screen feature. It is not even readable. This is the worst feature that we are stuck with. You need to give us an option to not use this and not assume everyone likes your latest add in 15.
Cannot get rid of a split screen…iOS 5 version sucks
I hate split-screen. I accidentally trigger it dozens of times a day. It’s possibly the most annoying, time-wasting, and unwanted feature that Apple has ever forced on its users. Please Apple, give us the option to disable this or find a way to prevent accidentally triggering it. I’ve never had this problem with any other OS.
The option to disable the split screen is an accessibility issue for my elder parents with cognitive decline. They rely on their ipads for so many things and the confusion that arises from the split screen is significant and impacts their lives negatively. Apple should consider how important their devices are to elderly and impaired people and update their systems with compassion and understanding of their users.
I have never once wanted a split screen and it opens multiple times each day. Restore the ability to disable it.
Has there EVER been an IOS feature more hated than this?
Apparently not.
I also hate seeing the split screen. All of the sudden if you want to look at an advertisement it is now compressed into a small space, should be optional. I hate it.
I hate the split screen option that pops up unasked, I would like to remove this option. I never require it. Often I cannot remove it despite trying to drag the black line across the screen.
Please add the feature to disable the split screen mode….
It constantly interferes with my work flow…..I was ready to purchase a new ipad until this so called feature reared it’s ugly head…..
Don’t give us the opportunity to switch from split screen or not, After a long love of iPad I have replaced it with windows. I was going to buy another iPad before you introduced split windows. I am one of many old farts with bad eyesight.
Please give old people with poor eyesight the choice of not using spli screen.
I hate split view tell
Apple to scrub a default split view
Split screen is a nuisance. Would like a way to disable it on my iPad.
The Split View function is very annoying. Please make this optional via Settings.
Please get rid of the annoying and unwanted split screen at next update
This new feature is TRULY annoying! It should be OPTIONAL
Please fix that in the next update
Older user hates split screen. Can’t get rid of it!
The three dots at the top of the screen are not only very annoying, in the way, and totally useless to me, they also make the browser lower down so the bottom part of my game is missing!
The sooner these are removable, the better.
I hate split screen. No need for it. I can’t figure out how to disable PERMENANTLY! Need to make this more simple.
Please make this optional or a bar allowing me to make it slide to full screen.
I find split screen an intrusive nuisance and have in the past disabled it. But not only is it intrusive, should you allow someone else to use your ipad briefly, often a screen which has been used previously will pop in from the side displaying private information, which is inexcusable.
Should this problem not be fixed, I will never purchase an iPad again.
I cannot tell you how frustrating the split screen is. I have spent so much time trying to get rid of it and now I learn I cannot. Come on Apple; credit us with the intelligence to choose and not be dictated to. This is the first time I have had to complain about Apple in all the years I have been using their products which should tell them something.
Split screen.
A delete button is required to cancel the split.
As an elderly person I don’t want a split screen it is very annoying.
Split screen is a pain in the butt , please give us an option to disable completely.
Please delete split screen on iPad…so annoying
Hate it and can’t get rid of it
Please, please let us get rid of the split screen! Is there anything we can do to disable it?
I hate the split screen. It interferes with everything I do. Please help me to disable this feature.
I hate the split screen. I bought a 12 inch IPad so I could read the newspaper. There is no bar that splits the screen so when I move the small screen it slides side to side and the print is 3 inches wide. Not acceptable. Should be an option only. Thank you
Hate split screen please remove. Especially on mini iPad. I’m 74 so it very frustrating having this popping up all the time
Get rid of split screen auto. I accept some people need it but many don’t. Even if you use it occasionally it is frustrating when it occurs when you don’t want it and the split screen is so small frustration is the principal outcome. I have IOS 15 and was looking to upgrade my iPad but not any more. I will look at alternatives.
I am not happy about having the split screen keep popping up while I’m working. iPad screens are already small and having to loose half it abruptly is extremely annoying. Alas, I am a senior citizen and I need the whole screen so that I can see everything properly, as in big enough for my eyes to see. This is a horrible feature and I hope to see a change in settings so that I can turn it off.
I also dislike intensely the way that a new screen in iPhone format pops up in many applications when I click for more information. Again, if I wanted a small screen I would have bought an iPhone. Think about it Apple, you were there for us baby boomers during the development of your early devices and you made a lot of advances from our patronage. Now that we have grown into “second class citizens” we deserve to be catered to properly! Wait until you become “second class citizens” in the cyber world and see how you feel about future installations of new features that the next generation create in the interest of making a better product. What goes around comes around.
Split screen is DETESTABLE.
We MUST be allowed to disable it.
I absolutely INSIST.
Man, I hate split screen or multitasking view. It’s super annoying and a major time waster. I NEVER use the option and constantly have to click on the multitasking button to full screen a spilt screen display. Grrr. In fact, I’d get a windows tablet before I get another iPad in the future because of this “feature” alone. Why would you want to split screen a 10 inch display?
Please allow me to stop this stupid little split screen appearing on my iPad. I want everything to be full screen. This is beyond irritating.
Split screen is the most annoying ‘feature’ I have ever encountered. I want to see linked screens entirely separately and I would go back to earlier IOS if I could.
I am 85 and not being able to completely disable this annoying feature is not living up to your reputation “Mr.Apple People “. How simple a feature to turn something on or off is it???
I would like to disable slit screen option…it is of not use to me. I want to request the option of permanently deleting if I choose that option….others who like the split screens should have that choice
I absolutely HATE split screen. Please get rid of it or at least make it an option for those of us who don’t want it!!!
Please give us the OPTION to DISABLE the annoying AF split screen, the way it should be from the start
Hate the split screen feature!
Automatic split screen makes me want to scream – I hate it. Apple should be REQUIRED to provide security only updates with out having to also update with other features they incorrectly image we want. Apple does not know best.
There is no “feature” that users should be unable to turn off. Split screen illustrates this perfectly. It is worst in mail but pretty much always annoying. By all means let those who like it have it. But to lose a disabling option for no reason is galling.
Inconvenient. As items are smaller, they are harder for me to read.
Lobbying for option to disable split screen in iOS15. There are moments when I want an AI input before continuing with current task – that is not multi-tasking!
Please fix recent update TO INCLUDE the ability to disable split screen/multitasking function.
This function is certainly not needed by everyone and therefore should be activated as an option and not a mandate. Please!!!
Please get Apple to allow split screen to disable
I hate the split screen, especially when I am not given the option to turn it off completely. It occasionally pops up out of the blue and I have to stop what I’m doing to work out how to get rid of it, very frustrating.
Please allow users to disable the split screen. It is annoying when it pops up unexpectedly and it is hard to read the content.
I hate the split screen! An option to disable it would lower my blood pressure quite a bit, but I’m afraid Apple will be stubborn and not provide one.
I do not like the split screen! I don’t know why you made such a decision for me! I should always have a choice. The three buttons at the top do not work. All of my emails are split. Please, please, please give me back my choice!
Why would they put something which is not wanted by many with no mechanism to get rid of it? Do not understand the thought process of this dictatorial decision.
The split screen function is useless. The tab is in the way and annoying. I know how to multifunction without Apple’s Help. Would love to turn it off. One day these updates will drive me to another product.
Want to open a new tab? Nope, that’s too close to the split screen dots. Are you sure you don’t want split screen? We know you like it. Here, use this all the time, it’s good. Multitasking is what users crave.
Hundreds of times an UNWANTED split screen has popped up because my thumb wandered onto my screen. PLEASE let me turn OFF multitasking.
There is NO reason that apple should not give haters of split screen the option to disable it. Then the lovers and haters can both be happy! Why would apple not do this? Very very strange
I bought my wife a newer iPad because I thought it would be easier for her. She has Parkinson’s and this iPad is her favorite entertainment. Needless to say, she can’t control this split screen feature that I discovered can’t be deleted. Should I buy her a windows iPad?
The split screen feature is particularly annoying and ruined has many sessions on YouTube when I lose the link trying to get back to single screen view then find I’ve lost the link altogether with no return
Apple should give users the option of disabling split screen. Why would they think every iPad user wants to use split screens? Give us the choice! Very remiss of them.
I don’t like the split screen. It’s small, takes longer to read. How can I dismantle it?
I am very unhappy with the split screen
Feature and frustrated that I can’t remove it
Permanently. You shouldn’t have
Introduced it until you had options for removal.
I have vision problems, split screen on my iPad only annoys me and serves no useful purpose. I do not want or need the ability to multi task.
Please, please, please give an option to disable “split screen” .
Let those who enjoy it keep it , but give us who don’t, a simple
disable option. Thank you.
It’s very frustrating not to be able to get rid of Split View whenever we wish to do so.
I don’t consider that Split View is a real improvement if we don’t have the choice to use it or not.
Apple should give us this option.
I HATE split screen. At least give us an option to get rid of it.
It would have been nice to have a convenient link in order to send a message to Apple about this matter
Split View is drivers frustrating. I have no use for it, but I somehow keep activating it. It decrease my enjoyment of the iPad. Please give me a way to disable it.
Option to remove split screen and multitasking